Le prix Claude Miquel décerné au Salon d'Automne pour « Sounds of silence »
Le Prix Claude Miquel a été décerné par les Amis du Salon d’Automne de Paris.
Publication of an article in the edition of Sunday April 24, 2022
The “Colchiques” canvasselected
“Colchiques” (Intimate Territories) is one of the 70 works selected (out of 900) at the end of the 2021 Autumn Salon to be exhibited in Tokyo (Japan) at the National Art Center in August 2022.
The exhibition is produced by the CAEA (Club des Amis des Artistes et des Arts), a partner of the Salon d'Automne since 1970.
“Current House” Magazine
Publication of an article in issue 68 of January 15, 2021 (link below).
Autumn Show 2020
Selection of the canvas “Meanders of Thought” (acrylic, inks and oil pastels, format 118 x 97 cm) for this exclusively online edition (link below).
Gentilly Biennale 2020
Selection in “Confined artists” from the 2020 edition of the Biennale (link below).